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Meet Dr. Muntasir Khaled

Dr. Muntasir Khaled is a dedicated podiatrist who has been serving the community of Union County since April 2020 as a valued member of the Union County Health Associates (UCHA) team. With a passion for helping others and a commitment to providing quality care, Dr. Khaled has made significant contributions to the well-being of his patients.

Dr. Khaled offers a comprehensive range of podiatric services to address various foot and ankle issues. Dr. Khaled's commitment to serving his community extends beyond the office. He actively engages in community outreach initiatives and volunteers his time to promote health and wellness initiatives in Union County. Schedule your appointment today with Dr. Khaled to address your podiatric concerns. Dr. Khaled is currently available to see patients at both our Elizabeth and Rahway offices.

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Services Offered

 Foot and Ankle Examinations

 Diabetic Foot Care

Ingrown Toenail Treatment

 Plantar Fasciitis Management

 Sports-Related Injuries

 Orthotic Therapy

Wound Care

Foot and Ankle Surgery (when necessary)


  • Podiatrists undergo rigorous training to become qualified to treat foot and ankle problems, typically involving thousands of hours of study.

  • The feet contain a complex structure comprising 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 ligaments, muscles, and connective tissues, making them intricate and vital parts of the body.

  • High glucose levels in diabetics can lead to nerve damage, a condition known as diabetic neuropathy. 

  • The feet are equipped with approximately 250,000 sweat glands, contributing to the body's overall perspiration regulation. Excessive sweating of the feet, or hyperhidrosis, can result in foot odor.

  • During walking and running, the feet endure significant pressure, exceeding the body weight during walking and three to four times the body weight during running. Proper footwear and support are crucial for mitigating this pressure.

  • Shopping for shoes in the afternoon when feet are slightly swollen is advisable to ensure a proper fit. Trying on shoes on both feet and selecting the larger size, if necessary, helps achieve optimal comfort and support.

  • Feet can reveal early signs of certain health conditions, including diabetes and atherosclerosis. Podiatrists are trained to recognize these signs as part of their comprehensive assessment of foot health.

  • Women have four times the number of foot problems than men, largely due to more shoe choices for women prioritizing fashion over foot health, which leads to podiatric problems. That’s why podiatrists see more women than men.
























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